Travel poster of 1930s.

The proposed museum would become the first quality museum of the USSR and so far the only such museum in the world, which would certainly make it one of the most popular attractions.

  1. Being the only museum with such a fascinating topic as life in the USSR, the museum would attract more tourists, causing more currency to flow into the country.

  2. The new museum of Russian culture during the Soviet period will allow to better understand the recent history of Russia and learn more about it's culture. Such a museum would play an important role in improving the relations with contemporary Russia.

  3. The new museum will help Russians to remember, learn and keep their own history and culture, which is especially important for the younger generation.

  4. People of the older generation can actually show their children who have never experienced that life, how their parents and grandparents lived.

  5. The new museum would serve as a convenient place to socialize for all who are interested in the history and culture of Russia. The museum space could also be used for watching movies and documentaries, becoming acquainted with authentic Russian music, celebrating Russian holidays, etc.

Travel brochure published in the USSR in 1960-70s.